How to Deal With Mental Health Stress

Mental Health Stress affects: Your immune system, Your sleeping pattern, Your family life and relationships, Your decision-making abilities. Your immune system will be weakened if you are harbouring stresses and anxiety. Our biggest goal in life is to have PEACE OF MIND. This module will teach you how to get closer to this goal by combatting stress from now on. You will learn about the 7 main causes of stress and how to overcome them so that you can live up to your full potential

Pricing options

FREE to all NHS staff

For a massive thank you to all of the NHS staff working through this difficult time, please send a photo of yourself with your NHS ID Card to [email protected] and reference (mental Health) for your spot on our amazing Mental Health Programme.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    How to Overcome Stress

    • How to Overcome Stress- Big Picture

    • How to Overcome Stress- Part 1

    • How to Overcome Stress- Part 1- Assessment

    • How to Overcome Stress- Part 2

    • How to Overcome Stress- Part 2- Assessment

    • How to Overcome Stress- Part 3

    • How to Overcome Stress- Part 3- Assessment

    • How to Overcome Stress- Part 4

    • How to Overcome Stress- Part 4- Assessment

    • How to Overcome Stress- Part 5

    • How to Overcome Stress- Part 5- Assessment

    • How to Overcome Stress- Part 6

    • How to Overcome Stress- Part 6- Assessment

    • How to Overcome Stress- Part 7

    • Workbook